Preschool children learn best by copying what you do with them. Singing together with the Alphabet Song helps them learn their letters.

Reading books together helps them understand what letters are used for. All you do is get their attention and have fun with them as you sing and read and talk! They learn just by doing.

Here are two videos of my granddaughter as she was learning her ABC’s. She learned all this just from singing and reading and drawing on the white board with her parents and me. She is showing what she knows. Her work does not need to be corrected!!!!! She will notice what she does not understand all by herself. This should be a happy time for all concerned. By seeing what she is still confusing (mistakes), her parents and I can see what we need to continue to do in our activities with her so that she will learn as she is ready in the coming months.

The Neuro-Glial Pool model of learning encourages learning opportunities that are based on interest and desire rather than memorization and testing.
These videos showcase what it looks like when:

1. Children are learning by noticing (attention) and wanting to use the knowledge (intention).
2. The best learning happens when it is enjoyable.
3. Mistakes show what children are using but confusing. Mistakes should be valued, with different activities allowing the child to better see for themselves what they still don’t understand. Mistakes do not need to be criticized.
4. The best assessment happens by watching what the child can do in a real-life project.